对于女人来说,年轻漂亮永远是资本。 For women, youth and beauty are always their capital. 可是,很多女人步入了40岁,就感叹“已经老了”。其实,女人, 完全可以越活越年轻,越活越有魅力,让别人忘记你的年龄。 看看这些女神—— However, most of the women think they get old when after 40. Actually, women can lead a younger and younger life, and be more charming so that people will forget their age. Have a look at these goddesses. 好莱坞性感女神    安吉丽娜·朱莉 Hollywood goddess of sexy —— Angelina Jolie 安吉丽娜朱莉Angelina Jolie 安吉丽娜·朱莉 有一种性感叫朱莉。安吉丽娜·朱莉,拥有性感的丰唇,妩媚的眼神, 和迷人的身材,赢得“好莱坞性感女神”之美称,被评为“电影史上最性 感的女明星”。 There is a kind of sexy called Angelina Jolie, who has sexy lips, charming eyes and excellent figure, owing the honor “Hollywood goddess of sexy” and considered the sexiest actress in film history. 安吉丽娜朱莉Angelina Jolie 安吉丽娜 · 朱莉 访问难民营 朱莉20多岁时美丽惊人,天赋出众,二十出头就频获金球奖、奥斯卡奖, 整个好莱坞都被她的天真性感震慑。30岁将性感美人的角色演的淋漓尽致, 成为“优雅轻熟好莱坞最贵女星”。40岁预防性切除卵巢和输卵管,女人韵 味不曾减退半分,而且,“6个孩子的妈妈”、“大气从容的联合国爱心大使” 新的身份,更是不一样的性感。 Jolie is beautiful and talent in her 20s. She won Golden Globe Award and The Oscar for several times. The whole Hollywood was shocked by her innocence and sexy. In her 30s, she showed her sexy character in her movies completely and became the most expensive elegant actress in Hollywood. In her 40s, her ovaries and fallopian tubes were removed for disease prevention, while he hadn’t lost any charms.Her new identities, the mother of six children and the ambassador of United Nations, also make especially sexy. 每个年龄段都那么惊艳。天使脸蛋、魔鬼身材、慈善内心的朱莉,41岁 又如何,依然继续优雅而性感的闪耀在聚光灯下,不断刷新公众对性感 女神的定义。 Jolie is striking in her every period. Although she is already 41, her beautiful face, excellent figure and warming heart are shining in the spotlight gracefully and refreshing the public definition of sexy goddess.

永不凋零的“法兰西玫瑰” 玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Never withered France Rose——Marion Cotillard

玛丽昂歌迪亚Marion Cotillard

玛丽昂 · 歌迪亚 玛丽昂·歌迪亚身上透露出高贵、复古、典雅的腔调,是产自巴黎的“法



让里昂纳多魂牵梦绕的妻子。 Marion Cotillard has a property of dignity and classics, and she is

regarded as France Rose from Paris. She was the elegant France

Lark in La Vie en Rose and became the first Oscar-winning actress

because of the foreign language film. Marion acted as the haunting

wife of Leonardo in Inception.

玛丽昂歌迪亚Marion Cotillard

玛丽昂 · 歌迪亚近照 在好莱坞大染缸里,她坚持保持天然的样貌。她不肯为变美受累,反而在

人们眼中她却是最美的,因为在 2014年的“全球最美脸蛋排行榜”上,荣登


41岁的她可以击败无数二十多岁的女星,成为最美女神。 Marion keeps her natural appearance in the entertainment circle of

Hollywood. She doesn’t want to experience the tiring things for

getting beautiful, but she is still the most beautiful one in people’s

eyes. On the board of the most beautiful face in the world in 2014,

Marion Cotillard got the first place. She has been 41, but she lives

like a rose that never wither. She beat many actresses who are in

their 20s, and became the goddess of beauty.

逆转时光的“冻龄女神” 张欣悦 Frozen-age goddess——Zhang Xinyue



这位拥有倾倒众生的美貌和性感身材的张欣悦女士,其实已经46岁!她完 美展现着充满少女感的细腻皮肤和紧致身材,美丽优雅,年轻迷人,是逆 转时光的冻龄女神。 Zhang Xinyue, the lady who has a beautiful face and sexy body, has been 46 years old. She perfectly shows the girls –like smooth skin and tight body. She is beautiful, elegant, young and charming so that she is goddess of frozen-age. 她努力地发现美,展现美,完胜了时光,让人忘记了她的年龄,让生命的美 丽尽情绽放,最终实现了身心蜕变的美丽梦想。 She tries her best to find the beauty, show the beauty. She defeats the time and forgets the age. She makes her life more beautiful and fulfills her dream of achieving beauty. 那么,张欣悦女士是如何逆转时光,如何做到完美冻龄的?那就是她的美 丽秘诀——瑞士贝赛荷尔蒙细胞抗衰定制。 How can Ms Zhang reverse the time? How can she achieve frozen-age? Here is her beauty secret - SWISS BⅢcells Hormone and Cellular Anti-aging Customization. 瑞士贝赛抗衰老案例张女士 女性从青春走向成熟、走向衰老的过程中,荷尔蒙,掌控着女性的健康 和容颜。 When the women go towards mature and aging from their youth, it is hormone that controls their health and appearance. 张欣悦女士选择的瑞士贝赛荷尔蒙细胞抗衰定制,由ABL瑞士国家医疗科技 联盟的欧洲多个学科的顶级名医联合操作,是目前最权威最有效的医学抗衰 方法。顶尖欧洲名医根据张欣悦女士自身的内分泌情况进行专项定制化调节, 从细胞层面将已经进入衰退期的人体器官和性能力重新激活,实现荷尔蒙动态 平衡,让她重获美丽、健康! SWISS BⅢcells Hormone and Cellular Anti-aging Customization that Ms Zhang chose, is operated by ABL’s top European doctors from different fields, and it is the most effective medical anti-aging method. The top European doctors customize the project according to the endocrine situation of Ms Zhang, activating the functions of aging organs and sexual capacity, realizing the balance of hormone on the cellularlevel, all these have made her get beauty and health back agai瑞士贝赛荷尔蒙细胞抗衰定制 瑞士贝赛荷尔蒙细胞抗衰定制,是世界皇室贵族,明星名媛都在做的抗衰项目。 只要找到发现美的方法,就可以找回年轻、完美的容颜,找回青春、健康的活力, 绽放独一无二魅力。 SWISS BⅢcells Hormone and Cellular Anti-aging Customization is popular among royal nobilities and pop stars. Only if you find the way to get beauty, you can find the youth, perfect appearance and energy, showing your owncharms. 欧洲名流健康秘密,瑞士贝赛完美女人定制 美丽,无分年龄。年轻,也无关年龄。 Beauty has nothing to do with age, so does youth.



瑞士贝赛愿全天下的女神们年轻恣意绽放,女神节快乐! No track was set in life. The beauty of woman can break the restriction

of time. When a woman is over 40, she can still be her most shining,

young and elegant goddess to show her beauty and youth. SWISS BⅢcells

wish all the goddess worldwide are always young. Happy goddess day!


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