Americans once mocked their First Lady. It goes like this: 前段时间, 美国人把第一夫人米歇尔嘲笑了一番: 米歇尔奥巴马MichelleObama与西班牙王妃Letizia法国的Carla Bruni 这是一张经过PS的图片。 内容大意是:当米歇尔·奥巴马Michelle Obama(右) 与西班牙王妃Letizia(左)和法国的Carla Bruni(中)并排走, 你会盯着谁的屁股看?▲ As an extremely excellent woman, why does Michelle Obama always appear less attractive on photos? 出色如米歇尔·奥巴马, 为什么总是在合影时输掉气场? 前法国第一夫人卡拉布吕尼Carla Bruni与米歇尔奥巴马Michelle Obama 前法国第一夫人卡拉·布吕尼Carla Bruni(右二) 与米歇尔·奥巴马Michelle Obama(右)Even for pretty women, some are absolutely beautiful, while some may lack a certain kind of charisma. 同样是精致的女神级人物, 为什么有的人如此耀眼,有的却缺乏存在感? 玛丽昂·歌迪亚 MarionCotillard 征服好莱坞的“法兰西玫瑰”玛丽昂·歌迪亚 Marion Cotillard ▲Some women present queenly dignity, which easily “enslave” their audience. 有些人总能自带女王气场, 轻而易举就俘获“臣服”的目光。 朱丽叶比诺什Juliette Binoche 气韵十足的朱丽叶·比诺什Juliette Binoche▲Years may take away one’s youthful appearance, but not beauty. It is the ashes of time that cultivate a woman’s unique elegance and charisma. 岁月或许会带走青春的容貌, 但不能剥夺美丽。 时光沉淀换来的是一份无与伦比的优雅和气质。 卡洛尔布盖Carole Bouquet 曾经的邦女郎卡洛尔·布盖Carole Bouquet 依然冷艳得不可方物▲Along with the passing time, some women remain their beauty. 当年华逝去, 还是有人能够美到最后。 凯瑟琳德纳芙Catherine Deneuve 国宝级的法国影星凯瑟琳·德纳芙Catherine Deneuve▲Refined temperament is established and boosted through details in our daily lives. 所以女人想活成什么模样,与岁月无关。 而支撑起女性高贵气质的, 正是日常生活中一些容易让人忽略的细节。 卡门·戴尔奥利菲斯Carmen Dell' Orefice 85岁高龄的资深模特卡门·戴尔·奥利菲斯Carmen Dell' Orefice▲Let’s take a look at the details that builds up one’s posture and dignity. 一起来看看生活中的细节三部曲, 如何练就女性的优美体态和强大气场。 卡门·戴尔奥利菲斯Carmen Dell' Orefice Opus 1. Stand up Straight  站得笔直  伊娜·德拉弗拉桑热Ines de la Fressange 曾经风靡法国的超级名模伊娜·德拉弗拉桑热 Ines de la Fressange▲The secret of European women’s charm comes from their confident and straight posture. The instruction to kids like, keep your spine upright and your head up turns out to be such a great truth. 欧洲女人散发气韵的秘密, 源于她们自信挺拔的身姿。 原来从小被唠叨要抬头挺胸的话, 全是真理! 维密天使 感受一下维密天使们笔直的肩背▲ KEYS 要诀 Keep your shoulders squared and pull your head back and up. Always imagine that a string coming from the top of your head is pulling you gently up towards the ceiling. 抬头挺胸收腹、脖子伸直、肩膀打开放松、挺直腰板、腿站直。感觉从脚跟到头 顶,有一股气往上提住就对了。通常看起来越轻松优雅的体态,越要花费极大的 功夫。 Opus 2. Walk Elegantly 走路带风 To walk elegantly intensifies a woman’s attractiveness. The correct way of walking can not only works your core muscles and fascia, but also keep a proper body alignment. 走路时保持上身呈一条直线, 让欧洲女人恣意绽放气场。 正确的走路姿势, 还能锻炼肌肉筋膜的弹性, 让整体肌肤更显紧致,富有弹性。 西班牙王妃 Letizia Ortiz 仪态万千的西班牙王妃 Letizia Ortiz▲ 西班牙王妃 Letizia Ortiz前法国第一夫人Carla Bruni Letizia(左)和前法国第一夫人Carla Bruni(右)这张著名合照,简直是“如 何优雅地上台阶”的教材▲ KEYS 要诀 Walking with good posture is simply an extension of standing with good posture. Keep your head up, shoulders back, chest out, and eyes looking straight ahead. 挺胸收腹腰要直、用力在小腹、眼睛平视收下颌、尽量走直线。掌握诀窍后, 走路时整个人会感觉轻盈,甚至走出翘臀。 Opus 3. Sit up Straight 坐姿优雅 To maintainan elegant sitting posture when one is alone is indeed commendable.Sitting up straight can not only foster a good posture, but also nourish one's fascia. 即使在别人看不到的时候, 也保持优雅坐姿是难能可贵的。 这不但有利于塑 造个人体态, 而且对人体的筋膜也大有好处。 Slouching may seem relaxed, yet it is dangerous. For it is harmful to the ligament and the pelvic fascia. It may also hurt pelvic organs like the uterus and ovary, resulting in hormone imbalance. 瘫坐确实让人放松、惬意,但这个姿势很危险。 除了形象不佳,还会在无形中对身体韧带、盆腔筋膜等组织,造成拉长或挤压, 严重影响盆腔内器官,如子宫、卵巢的功能,最后导致荷尔蒙失衡。 前法国第一夫人卡拉布吕尼Carla Bruni 前法国第一夫人卡拉·布吕尼Carla Bruni(左一)坐姿优雅十足▲ 米歇尔·奥巴马Michelle Obama(左)和卡拉布吕尼Carla Bruni 谁的坐姿更优雅?米歇尔·奥巴马Michelle Obama(左)和卡拉·布吕尼 Carla Bruni(右)▲ KEYS 要诀 Keep your shoulders straight and squared, your head upright, and your neck, back and heels are all aligned. 立腰挺胸、上身保持自然挺直。只坐椅子的三分之一,或前一半会让整体看起来 更优雅。 Final IN A WORD    总的来说 It may be tough to keep the above keys. In fact in France, over 90% of elite women who are above 40 years old choose hormone replacement therapy. 想要每时每刻做到以上要诀很不容易,所以在法国,40岁以上的精英阶层女性, 超过90%选择荷尔蒙健康管理。 Because hormone imbalance during menopause causes a series of problems like overweight, curved back and osteoporosis, etc. They believe to keep balanced hormone is crucial in maintaining refined posture. 因为踏入更年期,由于荷尔蒙分泌的下降,会出现体型臃肿、腰背不挺拔、骨质疏 松等症状。 所以,保持体内荷尔蒙平衡 是维持女性身姿体态的一个关键环节。 荷尔蒙健康管理是法国精英阶层的健康共识 荷尔蒙健康管理是法国精英阶层的健康共识▲ Last but not the least, let’s take a look at the confident French women in Paris. 最后我们来欣赏一下在巴黎街头上,时髦自信的女性风姿。 In Europe, middle age women are considered most attractive. For their life experience foster such unique beauty about them. Even expensive lipsticks or dazzling jewelry can not overshadow their elegance and dignity. May youth and health always be with you! 气场是外露的,气质是蕴含的。 在欧洲人的眼里,中年女性最富魅力,她们的人生 经历,成就了她们特有的美。 再娇艳的口红,再闪亮的珠宝, 也抵不过女性深藏在 言行举止中的优雅与从容。 愿美丽与健康常伴您的一生! 优雅女人